Approximately half of these titles were first discovered on the IASD website

(an asterisk * indicates that the resource is one of my personal favorites)

Ancient and Medieval History of Dream Interpretation

Covitz, Joel. Visions in the Night: Jungian and Ancient Dream Interpretation. Inner City Books, 2000.

Gnuse, Robert Carl. Dreams and Dream Reports in the Writings of Josephus: A Traditio-Historical  Analysis. 1996.

Gollnick, James. The Religious Dreamworld of Apuleius’ Metamorphoses: Recovering a Forgotten Hermeneutic.  Wilfrid Laurier University Press. 1999

Gupta, Krishna Das. The Shadow World: A Study of Ancient and Modern Dream Theories. Delhi, India: Atma Ram & Sons, 1971. (The author’s previous name was Krishna Sen.)

*Harris-McCoy, Daniel E. Artemidorus’ Oneirocritica: Text, Translation, and Commentary. Oxford University Press. 2012.

Jung, Carl Gustav.  Dream Interpretation: Ancient and Modern. (Notes from the Seminar Given in 1936-1941.)  Edited by John Peck, Lorenz Jung, and Maria Meyer-Grass.  Translated by Ernst Falzeder with the collaboration of Tony Woolfson.  Princeton University Press, 2014.

Kruger, Steven F. Dreaming in the Middle Ages. Cambridge University Press. 1992

Moss, Robert. The Secret History of Dreaming. New World Library. 2008.

*Noegel, Scott.  Nocturnal Ciphers: The Allusive Language of Dreams in the Ancient Near East.  New Haven, CT:The American Oriental Society. 2007.

Oberhelman, Steven M. (Ed). The Oneirocriticon of Achmet: A Medieval Greek and Arabic Treatise on the Interpretation of Dreams. Texas Tech University Press. 1991

*Ong, Roberto Keh. The Interpretation of Dreams in Ancient China.  Bochum: Studienverlag Brockmeyer. 1985. (Based on the author’s Master’s thesis at the University of British Columbia, Department of Asian Studies, 1981.)

Oppenheim, A. L.  The Interpretation of Dreams in the Ancient Near East: With a Translation of an Assyrian Dream Book.  Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, New Series, vol. 46. Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1956.

Parman, Susan. Dream and Culture: An Anthropological Study of the Western Intellectual Tradition. Praeger Publishers. 1990.

Shulman, David, & Stroumsa, Guy (editors). Dream Cultures: Explorations in the Comparative History of Dreaming. Oxford University Press, 1999.

Szpakowska, Kasia. Behind Closed Eyes: Dreams and Nightmares in Ancient Egypt. Classical Press of Wales. 2003.

Szpakowska, Kasia. Through a Glass Darkly: Magic, Dreams and Prophecy in Ancient Egypt.  Classical Press of Wales. 2006.

Wijsenbeek-Wijler, H. Aristotle’s Concept of Soul, Sleep and Dreams. 1978

Anthropological/Cross-Cultural/Non-Western Perspectives

Brown, Carolyn. Psycho-Sinology: The Universe of Dreams in Chinese Culture. University Press of America. 1988.

Edgar, Iain. Dreamwork, Anthropology, and the Caring Professions: A Cultural Approach to Dreamwork.  Avebury. 1995.

Jedrej M. C., Shaw R. (Eds.)  Dreaming, Religion and Society in Africa. Leiden, Netherlands: E. J. Brill.  1992.

Laughlin, Charles. Communing with the Gods: Consciousness, Culture, and the Dreaming Brain. Daily Grail Publishing. 2011.

Laughlin, Robert. Of Wonders Wild And New: Dreams from Zinacantan. Smithsonian Institution Press. 1976.

Lohmann, Roger (editor). Dream Travelers: Sleep Experiences and Culture in the Western Pacific. Palgrave MacMillan. 2003.

Mutwa V. C. Zulu Shaman: Dreams, Prophecies and Mysteries. Rochester, VT: Destiny. 2003

O’Nell, Carl W. Dreams, Culture, and the Individual. Chandler & Sharp Publ. 1976.

Rosner, Gotthard; Undelhoven, Bernhard; & Mumbi, Patrick.  Dreams: Where Do Biblical, Zambian and Western Approaches Meet?  Published in Zambia by FENZA, 2013.

Seligson, Fred J. Oriental Birth Dreams. Holly Intl Group. 1989.

Shafton, Anthony. Dream-Singers: The African American Way with Dreams. John Wiley & Sons Inc. 2002.

Stewart, Charles. Dreaming and Historical Consciousness in Island Greece. University of Chicago Press, 2017.

Sun Bear; Wind Wabun; Shawnodese. Dreaming with the Wheel: How to Interpret Your Dreams Using the Medicine Wheel. Fireside. 1994

Tedlock, Barbara (editor). Dreaming: Anthropological and Psychological Interpretations. School for Advanced Research. 1992.

Valencia, Heather; Kent, Rolly. Queen of Dreams: The Story of a Yaqui Dreaming Woman. Simon & Schuster. 1991

*Von Grunebaum, Gustave; Caillois, Roger (Eds). The Dreams and Human Societies. University of California Press. 1966.

Sociopolitical Perspectives

Bulkeley, Kelly. American Dreamers: What Dreams Tell Us About the Political Psychology of Conservatives, Liberals, and Everyone Else. Beacon Press, 2008.

Bulkeley, Kelly.  Among All These Dreamers: Essays on Dreaming and Modern Society. SUNY Press. 1996.

Beradt, Charlotte. The Third Reich of Dreams: The Nightmares of a Nation, 1933-1939. Aquarian Press. 1985.

Kagan, Richard. Lucrecia’s Dreams: Politics And Prophecy In Sixteenth Century Spain. University of California Press. (Reprint Edition) 1995

Religious and Spiritual Perspectives

*Bar, Shaul.  A Letter That Has Not Been Read: Dreams in the Hebrew Bible. Hebrew Union College Press, 2001.

*Bulkeley, Kelly.  Dreaming in the World’s Religions: A Comparative History.  New York University Press, 2008.

Bulkeley, Kelly.  Spiritual Dreaming: A Cross-Cultural and Historical Journey. Paulist Press, 1995.

Bulkeley, Kelly, Adams, Kate, & Davis, Patricia (editors). Dreaming in Christianity and Islam: Culture, Conflict, and Creativity. Rutgers University Press, 2009.

Bulkeley, Kelly. Transforming Dreams: Learning Spiritual Lessons from the Dreams You Never Forget. John Wiley & Sons, 2000.

Bulkeley, Kelly.  The Wilderness of Dreams : Exploring the Religious Meanings of Dreams in Modern Western Culture. SUNY Press. 1994. Cunningham, Scott. Sacred sleep: Dreams and the Divine. Crossing Press. 1992

Dalai Lama. Varela, Francisco J. (Ed), Wallace, B. Alan, Jinpa, Thupten (Translators) Sleeping, Dreaming, and Dying: An Exploration of Consciousness. Wisdom Publications. 1997

Edgar, Iain.  Dreams in Islam. Berghahn Books. 2011

Geroni, Carla. Night Journeys: The Power of Dreams in Transatlantic Quaker Culture. University of Virginia Press. 2004

Hall, James A. The Unconscious Christian: Images of God in Dreams. Paulist Press. 1993

Haden, Robert. Unopened Letters from God: Using Biblical Dreams to Unlock your Nightly Dreams. Haden Institute: FlatRock, NC 2010.

Kelsey, Morton T.  God, Dreams, and Revelation: A Christian Interpretation of Dreams. Augsburg Publishing House, 1974.

Lyons, Tallulah. Dream Prayers: Dreamwork as a Spiritual Path. Tallulah Lyons. 2002.

McNamara, Patrick. Dreams and Visions: How Religious Ideas Emerge in Sleep and Dreams. 2016.

Radha, Sivananda. Realities of the Dreaming Mind. Timeless Books. 1994

*Sanford, John A.  Dreams: God’s Forgotten Language. J. B. Lippincott, 1968.

Stella, Pietro. Don Bosco’s Dreams: A Historico-Documentary Analysis of Selected Samples. Salesiana Pub. 1996

Swedenborg, Emanuel. Swedenborg’s Journal of Dreams: 1743-1744. Swedenborg Foundation. 1986

Dreams in Literature and the Humanities

Almansi, Guido & Beguin, Claude (Eds). Theatre of Sleep: An Anthology of Literary Dreams. Pan Books. 1986.

Brown, Peter (editor).  Reading Dreams: The Interpretation of Dreams From Chaucer to Shakespeare. Oxford University Press, 1999.

Devereux, George. Dreams in Greek Tragedy: An Ethno-psycho-analytical Study. University of California Press. 1975

Edel, Leon. Stuff of Sleep and Dreams: Experiments in Literary Psychology. HarperCollins Publishers. 1982

Foucault, Michel & Binswanger, Ludwig; Hoeller, Keith (Ed). Dreams and Existence. Humanities Press Intl, Inc. 1993

Hieatt, Constance B. Realism of Dream Vision: The Poetic Exploration of the Dream Experience in Chaucer and his Contemporaries. Walter DeGruyter Inc. 1967

Halpern, Leslie. Dreams on Film: The Cinematic Struggle Between Art and Science. McFarland & Company.

Katz, Michael R. Dreams and the Unconscious in Nineteenth-century Russian Fiction. University Press of New England. 1984

Lazar, Moshe (Ed). The Anxious Subject: Nightmares and Daymares in Literature and Film. Undena Pubn. (Reprint Edition) 1987

Lynch, Kathryn L. The High Medieval Dream Vision: Poetry, Philosophy, and Literary Form. Stanford University Press. 1988

Rupprecht, Carol.  The Dream and the Text: Essays on Literature and Language. (Suny Series in Dream Studies). SUNY Press. 1993.

Spearing, A. C. Medieval Dream-Poetry. Cambridge University Press. 1976

Weidhorn, Manfred.  Dreams in Seventeenth-century English Literature.  Mouton, 1970.

Wilson, Douglas B. The Romantic Dream: Wordsworth and the Poetics of the Unconscious. University of Nebraska Press. 1993.

Jungian Perspectives

Hall, James A. Jungian Dream Interpretation: A Handbook of Theory and Practice. Inner City Books. 1983.

Jung, C. G. Dreams. Princeton University Press. 1974

Jung, C. G. Dream Analysis: Notes of the Seminar Given in 1928-30. Routledge. 1984.

Jung, C. G. Memories, Dreams, Reflections. Vintage Books. (Reissue Edition) 1989

Jung, C. G. The Meaning and Significance of Dreams. Sigo Press. 1991.

Jung, C. G. & Hull, R.F.C. (Translator). The Undiscovered Self: With Symbols and the Interpretation of Dreams (Bollingen Series, Vol. 20). Princeton University Press. 1990

Kradin, Richard.  The Herald Dream.  Karnac, 2006.

Meier, C.A. (Ed). Atom and Archetype: The Pauli/Jung Letters, 1932-1958. Princeton University Press. 1999

Shalit, Erel, & Furlotti, Nancy Swift (editors). The Dream and Its Amplification. Fisher King Press. 2013

Stevens, Anthony.  Private Myths: Dreams and Dreaming.  Harvard University Press, 1995

Von Franz, Marie-Louise. Dreams. Shambhala. 1991

Von Franz, Marie-Louise. On Dreams and Death. Shambhala. 1986

Von Franz, Marie-Louise. The Way of the Dream. Windrose Publishing. 1988

*Whitmont, Edward; Perera, Sylvia Brinton. Dreams: A Portal to the Source. Routledge. 1992.

Archetypal Symbols/Images

Abraham, Lyndy. A Dictionary of Alchemical Imagery.  Cambridge University Press.  1998.

ARAS (Archive for Research in Archetypal Symbolism). The Book of Symbols: Reflections on Archetypal Images. Taschen Publishers. 2010.

*De Vries, Ad.  Dictionary of Symbols and Imagery.  Elsevier Science Publishing. 1984.

Stevens, Anthony. Ariadne’s Clue: A Guide to the Symbols of Humankind. Princeton University Press. 2001.

Psychoanalytic (Non-Jungian) Perspectives

Alston, Toni M.; Calogeras, Roy C.; Deserno, Heinrich (Eds). Dream Reader: Psychoanalytic Articles on Dreams. International Universities Press. 1993.

*Bollas, Christopher. Cracking Up: The Work of Unconscious Experience. Hill & Wang Press, 1995.

Bond, Alma; Franco, Daisy; and Richards, Arlene Kramer.  Dream Portrait: A Study of Nineteen Sequential Dreams as Indicators of Pretermination. International Universities Press. 1992.

*Fosshage, James C. & Lowe, Clemens, A.  Dream Interpretation: A Comparative Study. SP Medical & Scientific Books. 1987 (Revised Spiral Edition)

Freud, Sigmund.  The Interpretation of Dreams. Translated by James Strachey, Basic Books, 1955.

Fromm, Erich. The Forgotten Language: An Introduction to the Understanding of Dreams, Fairy Tales, And Myths. Henry Holt & Co. 1976.

*Grotstein, James. Who is the Dreamer Who Dreams the Dream? A Study of Psychic Presences. The Analytic Press. 2000.

Langs, Robert. Decoding Your Dreams: A Revolutionary Technique for Understanding Your Dreams. Ballantine Books. (Reissue Edition). 1989

Lansky, Melvin R. (Ed). Essential Papers on Dreams. New York University Press. 1992.

Marcus, Laura (1999). Sigmund Freud’s the Interpretation of Dreams: New Interdisciplinary Essays. Manchester University Press. 1999.

McCaffrey, Phillip. Freud and Dora: The Artful Dream. Rutgers University Press. 1985.

Natterson, Joseph M. The Dream in Clinical Practice. Jason Aronson. 1993

Dreams in Counseling and Psychotherapy

Bogart, Greg.  Dreamwork and Self-Healing. Karnac.  2009.

Caperton W. Dream-Work in Psychotherapy: Jungian, Post-Jungian, Existential-Phenomenological & Cognitive-Experiential Approaches. 2012.

*Hill, Clara E. Dreamwork in Therapy: Facilitating Exploration, Insight, and Action. American Psychological Association. 2003.

*Lewis, Jacquie E., & Krippner, Stanley (Eds).  Working with Dreams and PTSD Nightmares: 14 Approaches for Psychotherapists and Counselors. 2016. Praeger.

Rosner, Rachel I.; Lyddon, William J.; Freeman, Arthur (Eds). Cognitive Therapy and Dreams. Springer Publishing Company. 2003.

Self-Help and Practical Dreamwork Methods

*Aizenstat, Stephen. Dream Tending: Awakening to the Healing Power of Dreams.  2006.

Barasch, Marc. Healing Dreams: Exploring the Dreams That Can Transform Your Life. Riverhead Books. 2000.

*Delaney, Gayle. Your Sleeping Genius: Harnessing the Hidden Power of Your Dreams (Your Coach in a Box). Hatchett Audio Coach Series. [Audio Book], 2007.

*Delaney, Gayle. Living Your Dreams: The Classic Bestseller on Becoming Your Own Dream Expert. Harper San Francisco. (Revised Edition) 1996

Cartwright, Rosalind & Lamberg, Lynne. Crisis Dreaming: Using Your Dreams to Solve Your Problems. ASJA Press. 2001

Faraday, Ann. Dream Power. Berkeley Publishing Group. (Reissue Edition) 1994.

Gongloff, Robert P. (2006). Dream Exploration: A New Approach. Llewellyn Worldwide.

Mellick, Jill. The Art of Dreaming: Tools for Creative Dream Work. Conari Press. 2001.

*Siegel, Alan. Dreams That Can Change Your Life: Navigating Life’s Passages Through Turning Point Dreams. Berkeley Publishing Group (Reprint Edition). 1996.

*Siegel, Alan. Dream Wisdom: Uncovering Life’s Answers in Your Dreams. Celestial Arts. 2003.

*Taylor, Jeremy. The Wisdom of Your Dreams: Using Dreams to Tap Into Your Unconscious and Transform Your Life (Book).  Penguin/Tarcher. 2009.

Ullman, Montague. Appreciating Dreams: A Group Approach. Cosimo. 2006.

Narrative/Cognitive/Linguistic Perspectives

States, Bert O. Dreaming and Storytelling. Cornell University Press. 1993

States, Bert O. The Rhetoric of Dreams. Cornell University Press. 1989

Heynick, Frank. Language and Its Disturbances in Dreams.  Wiley. 1993.

Dreams as a Source of Scientific Discovery and Artistic/Musical/Literary Creativity

*Barrett, Deirdre (Editor).  The Committee of Sleep: How Artists, Scientists, and Athletes Use Dreams for Creative Problem-Solving – And How You Can, Too.  Crown Publishers, 2001.

Epel, Naomi.  Writers Dreaming: Twenty Six Writers Talk About Their Dreams and Their Creative Process  Vintage Books, 1993.

Hazarika, Anjali. Daring to Dream: Cultivating Corporate Creativity Through Dreamwork. Sage Publications. New Delhi, London, Thousand Oaks. 1998

Krippner, Stan.  Dreamworking: How to Use Your Dreams for Creative Problem Solving. Bearly 1988.

Mellick, Jill. The Natural Artistry of Dreams. Conari Press. 1996.

Nelson, Sally. Night Wings: A Soulful Dreaming and Writing Practice. Ibis Press, 2004.

Sonenberg, Janet.  Dreamwork for Actors. Taylor & Francis. 2003.

Townley, Roderick.  Night Errands: How Poets Use Dreams.  University of Pittsburgh Press, 1998.

Webb, Craig Sim.  The Dreams Behind the Music: Learn Creative Dreaming as Top 100+ Artists Reveal Their Breakthrough Inspirations. 2016.

Children’s Dreams

Beaudet, Denyse. Dreamguider: Opening the Door to a Child’s World Of Dreams. Hampton Roads. 2008

Beaudet, Denyse. Encountering the Monster: Pathways In Children’s Dreams. Hampton Roads. Continuum. 1990.

Bulkeley, Kelly and Siegel, Alan (editors); Dreamcatching: Every Parent’s Guide to Exploring and Understanding Children’s Dreams and Nightmares. Three Rivers Press, 1998.

Catalano, Stephen. Children’s Dreams In Clinical Practice. Plenum Publishing Corp. 1990

Foulkes, David. Children’s Dreams: Longitudinal Studies. John Wiley & Sons Inc. 1982

Garfield, Patricia. The Dream Book: A Young Person’s Guide to Understanding Dreams, 2002

Garfield, Patricia. Your Child’s Dream. Ballantine Books. 1984

Mallon, Brenda. Dream Time with Children: Learning to Dream, Dreaming to Learn. Jessica Kingsley Pub. 2002.

Dreams Near the End of Life

Bulkeley, Kelly, with Rev. Patricia Bulkeley.  Dreaming Beyond Death: A Guide to Pre-Death Dreams and Visions. Beacon Press, 2005.


Bulkeley, Kelly. Dreams of Healing: Transforming Nightmares into Visions of Hope. Paulist Press, 2003.

Hartmann, Ernest. The Nightmare: The Psychology and Biology of Terrifying Dreams. Basic Books, 1984.

Krakow, Barry, & Neidhardt, Joseph. Conquering Bad Dreams & Nightmares: A Guide to Understanding, Interpretation, and Cure. Berkley Publishing Group. 1992

*Wiseman, Ann Sayre. Nightmare Help: A Guide for Parents and Teachers. Tricycle Press. 1989

Dreams in Trauma and Bereavement

Barrett, Deirdre (Editor). Trauma and Dreams. Harvard University Press, 2001

Grubbs, Geri. Bereavement Dreaming and the Individuating Soul. Nicholas-Hays Inc. 2004.

Wray, T.J.; Price, Ann Back. Grief Dreams: How They Help Us Heal After The Death of a Loved One. Jossey-Bass. 2005.

Dreams and the Body

*Bosnak, Robert. Christopher’s Dreams: Dreaming and Living with AIDS. Bantam Dell, 1997

Burk, Larry, & O’Keefe-Kanavos, Kathleen. Dreams That Can Save Your Life: Early Warning Signs of Cancer and Other Diseases.  Findhorn Press, 2018.

Delaney, Gayle. Sensual Dreaming: How to Understand and Interpret the Erotic Content of Your Dreams. Ballantine Books. 1995.

Greenberg, Sindy; Kroll, Elsye; Grill, Hillary. Dreaming For Two: The Hidden Emotional Life Of Expectant Mothers. Plume Books. 2002.

Gendlin, Eugene T. Let Your Body Interpret Your Dreams. Chiron Publications. 1985.

Maybruck, Patricia. Pregnancy And Dreams: How to Have a Peaceful Pregnancy by Understanding Your Dreams, Fantasies, Daydreams and Nightmares. J. P. Tarcher. 1989

Norment, Rachel. Guided by Dreams: Breast Cancer and Transformation. Brandylane Publishers. 2006.

Tick, Edward & Larsen, Stephen. The Practice of Dream Healing: Bringing Ancient Greek Mysteries into Modern Medicine. Quest Books. 2001.

Dreams and Gender Issues

Garfield, Patricia. Women’s Bodies, Women’s Dreams. Perennial. 1991.

Hopcke, Robert. Men’s Dreams, Men’s Healing. Shambhala. 1990.

Transpersonal/Parapsychological Perspectives

Bogzaran, Fariba; Krippner, Stanley; Percia de Carvalho, Andre. Extraordinary Dreams and How to Work With Them. State University of New York Press, 2002.

*Bulkeley, Kelly.  Big Dreams. Oxford University Press, 2016.

Campbell, Jean. Group Dreaming: Dreaming to the Tenth Power. Wordminder Press. 2006.

Flanagan, Owen J.  Dreaming Souls: Sleep, Dreams & The Evolution Of The Conscious Mind. Oxford University Press. 2001.

Garfield, Patricia. The Dream Messenger: How Dreams of the Departed Bring Healing Gifts Simon & Schuster, 1997.

Kramer, Kenneth P. Death Dreams: Unveiling Mysteries of the Unconscious Mind. Paulist Press. 1993.

Krippner, Stanley, & Ellis, Debbie Joffe (editors). Perchance to Dream: The Frontiers of Dream Psychology.  New York: Nova Science Publishers. 2009

Lucas, Sabine. Bloodlines of the Soul: Karmic Patterns In Past Life Dreams. iUniverse Inc. 2005.

Moss, Robert. The Dreamer’s Book of the Dead: A Soul Traveler’s Guide to Death, Dying and the Other Side. Destiny Books. 2005.

Wolf, Fred Alan.  The Dreaming Universe: A Mind-Expanding Journey into the Realm Where Psyche and Physics Meet.  Simon & Schuster

Scientific Dream Research

*Bulkeley, Kelly.  An Introduction to the Psychology of Dreaming (2nd edition).  ABC-CLIO, 2017.

Domhoff, G. William. The Scientific Study of Dreams: Neural Networks, Cognitive Development, and Content Analysis. American Psychological Association. 2002.

Jouvet, Michel. The Paradox of Sleep: The Story of Dreaming. Bradford Books. 1999.

Meier, Barbara; Strauch, Inge; Foulkes, David. In Search of Dreams: Results of Experimental Dream Research (Suny Series in Dream Studies). SUNY Press. 1996.

Rock, Andrea. The Mind at Night: The New Science of How and Why We Dream. Basic Books. 2004.

General and Miscellaneous

Arden, John Boghosian. Consciousness, Dreams and Self: A Transdisciplinary Approach. Psychosocial Press. 1999.

Born, Margot. Seven Ways to Look at a Dream. Starrhill Press. 1991.

*Barrett, Deirdre and McNamara, Patrick , Ph.D. Encyclopedia of Sleep and Dreams: The Evolution, Function, Nature, and Mysteries of Slumber  2012

Bogzaran, F. & Deslauriers, D.. Integral Dreaming: A Holistic Approach to Dreams. State University of New York Press SUNY Press). 2012.

Bulkeley, Kelly (editor). Dreams: A Reader on Religious, Cultural, and Psychological Dimensions of Dreaming. Palgrave Macmillan, 2001.

Cannegieter, C.A. Around the Dream World. Vantage Press Inc. 1986.

Globus, Gordon. Dream Life, Wake Life: The Human Condition Through Dreams. SUNY Press. 1987.

Delaney, Gayle (editor). New Directions in Dream Interpretation. SUNY Press. 1993.

Hagood, Louis. Midlife at the Oasis: Dreaming in the Second Half of Life. Oxbridge Communications Inc. 2002.

Hartmann, Ernest.  Dreams and Nightmares: The Origin and Meaning of Dreams. Perseus Publishing. 2000.

Heyneman, Nicholas E. Dreams and Relationships. Chronicle Books. 1999.

*Hoss, Robert J., & Gongloff, Robert P. (editors).  Dreams That Change Our Lives.  International Association for the Study of Dreams, 2017.

Hunt, Harry T.  The Multiplicity of Dreams. Yale University Press, 1989.

Koulack, David. To Catch a Dream: Explorations of Dreaming. State University of NY

*Krippner, Stanley, & Delaney, Gayle (editors).  Dreamtime and Dreamwork: Decoding the Language of the Night. Putnam Publishing Group. 1991.

LaBerge, Stephen. Lucid Dreaming: A Concise Guide to Awakening in Your Dreams and in Your Life. Sounds True; Har/Com edition (includes CD). 2004.

Marinaro, Eleonora. The Life of the Spirit in the Convergent Points of Dreams,Spirituality, and Psychology. Outskirts Press, 2011.

Mattoon, Mary Ann.  Understanding Dreams. Spring Publications, 1984.

*Van de Castle, Robert.  Our Dreaming Mind.  Ballantine Books, (Reprint Edition).1995

Vedfelt, Ole. The Dimensions of Dreams: The Nature, Function and Interpretation of Dreams Jessica Kingsley Publishers. 2002.

Waggoner, Robert.  Lucid Dreaming: Gateway to the Inner Self, Moment Point Press. 2008.


The best source for journal articles about dreams is the peer-reviewed interdisciplinary journal, Dreaming.

Another excellent source is the peer-reviewed International Journal of Dream Research.

For a list of articles that I have found particularly useful in these journals and in other academic/professional journals, please check back again in December 2018